Cover and design of a children’s book.
Michel Faure often told fanciful stories to his two young daughters. Faure dreamed up one of their favourites in the summer of 1983, when the family was vacationing in Maine. It tells the story of Mr. Zuko, whose love of balloons sweeps him into an unexpected adventure, and of his talkative parrot Mimi, who goes along for the ride. They travel up and up, and when they finally come down, they discover new friendships and fun with exotic animals. Eventually, though, they realize there is no place like home.
Back in Montreal, Michel wrote down his story and Joyce Borenstein was inspired to create illustrations for it. In 1984 and subsequent years, the book was offered to publishers in the United States and Canada. Then in 2009, Disney/Pixar released the movie UP. A legal battle ensued that was resolved by an out-of-court settlement. Now Michel and Joyce have decided to share Mr. Zuko’s story.
• Publishing book, Mr. Zuko Takes Flight, fulfils father’s dream
• Canadian book at heart of ‘Up!’ lawsuit finally published
• The Secret Connection Between Pixar’s “Up” And Montreal
• After Decades, Mr. Zuko finally Takes Flight
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CLIENT : Michel Faure